#SparkSQL Articles

Hi, I am M Hendra Herviawan - Marketing Analytic & Data Science Enthusias. My latest competition I entered McKinsey Analytics Hackathon was quite good finished 56th from 3,500 Contestants (Top 1.6%).

For Anggel Inverstor please take a look prof of concep my Startup Project "Software as a Service Recommender Systems (Saas Recommender System)". It's provide REST API so that client can query product recommendation based on product ID/SKU, The service will be charge based on how many query client does (fee based model).

Follow my Marketing Analytic & Data Science journey through this blog.

Data Analytic

Recommendation System

  • Coming soon.

Customer Behavior

  • Coming soon.

Data Science


  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

Big Data & Cloud

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Coming soon.

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

  • Coming soon.